Innovation Series: How to communicate an idea to increase the odds of success
As part of our Innovation Engineering series we are delighted to bring ‘How to communicate an idea to increase the odds of success’ workshop to you.
Helen Potter is the only female Innovation Engineering Black Belt in Europe.
Innovation Engineering is a new field of academic study and leadership science from which you can learn how to transform innovation from a random gamble to a reliable system.
Helen will explain in this workshop how to communicate an idea so that it is impossible to misunderstand. She will provide top tips, born out of 30 years of research by the Innovation Engineering institute and provide a proven framework that includes the key elements you need in order to articulate your idea persuasively. You will practice working on your own product / service ideas and leave with new skills that will increase your chances of gaining investment and achieving greater success with marketing.
As well as coaching people across many sectors with businesses large and small, including non-profits, Helen has practical experience in delivering innovation. During her time as Innovation Manager for the Famous Grouse, Innovation Engineering Systems enabled Helen to add £12 million profit through innovation and portfolio expansion. She has walked the talk and now wants to pass her wisdom on to SME’s. Book now