New contact tracing app for Forth Valley businesses

Forth Valley Chamber of Commerce has launched a data collection app for the area’s business community.

The Track and Trace web app gives business owners a platform to securely check customers in and collect the data needed to support the Scottish Government’s Test and Protect Programme.

Visitors simply scan a QR code with a smartphone on entry and input their contact information to be held securely for use if required by NHS Scotland.

This means that after the first sign-in, they can check in easily and securely each time they visit a café, restaurant, hotel or visitor attraction which is using the app.

The initiative is the latest measure rolled out by the Chamber’s team who have been supporting their 180 members since the start of the Covid-19 crisis.

President Lynn Blaikie said: “The Track and Trace app gives businesses the chance to quickly and securely capture the data needed with a minimum of fuss.

“It will help give visitors and customers the confidence to go back into Forth Valley establishments knowing the necessary contact tracing information is being collected in line with GDPR requirements.

“It also illustrates how our businesses are working collaboratively across the region and are serious about doing all they can to protect their customers and visitors.

“Since the start of the crisis we’ve been here to help Forth Valley businesses in any way we can and will continue to do that.”

The web app can be tailored for any business and is available free to Chamber members and at a small cost to other Forth Valley companies.

Ms Blaikie added: “We expect it to be particularly popular with our hotels and restaurants but it’s not just for the hospitality industry – it can also be used, for example, by visitor attractions and any firms which have contractors or visitors coming into their premises.”

 The web app was originally created for the Cairngorms Business Partnership by developer Rory Boyd and is already in use at several of Scotland’s 30 Chambers of Commerce including Cairngorms, Moray and Lochaber.

It has been tested by Forth Valley Chamber members Arnotdale House in Falkirk and AquaGen, based at Stirling University Innovation Park, and Arnotdale House are already actively using it.

Companies who sign up for the app create an account which gives them their businesses’ unique QR code plus a support package of posters and flyers to promote their use of the Track and Trace initiative.

They use the app to check customers and visitors into their venues, while collecting the necessary data, and can also manually check-in guests who do not have a smartphone.

The information, which automatically expires after 21 days, is held centrally by Forth Valley Chamber of Commerce to be provided to the NHS Scotland Test and Protect team if required.

Business owners who would like to know more about the Test and Trace app, which is branded under the #ProtectForthValley hashtag, should contact the Chamber on 01786 448333 or email

More details can also be found here.